What is the Impact of Opportunity Zones on Job Postings?

The Paradox of Civilization: Pre-Institutional Sources of Security and Prosperity.

Beijing’s Central Role in Global Artificial Intelligence Research.

Political Identity and Trust.

Cooperative Initiative through Pre-Play Communication in Simple Games.

Do People Who Care About Others Cooperate More? Experimental Evidence from Relative Incentive Pay.

Rents from Power for a Dissident Elite and Mass Mobilization.

An Experimental Analysis of Risk-Shifting Behavior.


Too Much Talent? The Tradeoff Between Human and Non-Human Assets in Technology Startups

  • Resubmitted, Strategic Management Journal. (Joint with R. Berman and D. J. Kim.)
    Latest version

The Origins of Industry Dominance: High-Growth Firms’ Funding
Allocation and Competition


Competition: The Bright Side of ESG

  • Forthcoming in Justifying Next Stage Capitalisms: Exploring a Hopeful Future, edited by Moses Pava and Michel Dion, 2024.
    Latest version

The Monopoly of Narratives

In Sickness and in Wealth: The Effect of National Leaders' Health on Citizens' Expectations.